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The essential part of its programmes are the lecture session and related film show. Overall the programme at a given venue is for approximately a duration of around two hours. It comprises of a film show on AIDS followed by a lecture session. Lecture on HIV/AIDS is delivered by a medical expert preferably by a doctor who is a specialist on tackling this disease. Thereafter there is a time of interaction with the audience where in queries are invited from them which are answered by a team of medical experts. After this there is practical demonstration on how to use an AIDS Testing Kit. AIDS Control Foundation has a team of 500 Medical Volunteers who assist in organising the AIDS Awareness Programmes across the country. This NGO, has over the years carried out AIDS Awareness Campaigns on large scales in the various States of the country be it in the Police Departments, Education Sector, Public Works Departments, State Tax Offices and the Banking and Financial Institutions in the respective states of the nation. Till date, AIDS Control Foundation has organised AIDS Awareness Programmes in various Delhi based Government Offices. It carried out a massive campaign in the major branches of the State Bank Of India across the country in the last few years. Programmes have also been conducted by them in the branches of other nationalised banks. The NGO has also conducted AIDS Awareness programmes for the Railway Police Force in their various divisions across the country. Programmes were conducted by them for Officers/Personnel of the Border Security Force stationed in various parts of India. A concerted AIDS Awareness Campaign has also been carried out for Police Officers/Personnel of the various States of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tripura, Meghalaya, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan Gujarat, Delhi and Manipur. Apart from the Police Force, programmes have been conducted in the State Education Departments for school principals/Teachers/Education Personnel based in Goa, Chhatisgarh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Delhi and Maharashtra. AIDS Awareness Programmes have been conducted by the NGO for engineers at various levels of the Public Works Departments in the various States of the country be it Delhi in the North and Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh in the South or again Maharashtra in the West and West Bengal in the East. Not to be forgotten are the State Tax Departments across our vast country. Programmes for the Officers/Personnel of the State Tax Department of Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu have been conducted. There has been a good response to the programmes conducted. Based on that, follow-up has also been done wherein practical demonstration has been done equipping the audience technically to take necessary precautions to curb this deadly menace of AIDS from further enveloping the society.


By educating the audience through their programmes in the various departments enumerated in the aforementioned paragraphs, the message of awareness and caution can then be passed on by them to their contacts. The awareness chain thus created could go a long way in curbing the spread of this disease. As an NGO, “AIDS Control Foundation” does not get any financial support from any quarters. The organisation as such is sustained through voluntary contributions/donations it receives from the various sectors where it conducts its programmes based on the quality of its presentation and its subsequent appreciation.